Medical Technology Licensure Examination Review

We offer the most comprehensive review course for medical technology graduates who will be taking the Philippine medical
technology licensure examinations. Whether taking the examination for the first time or repeating it, our review program will
help students to develop critical thinking skills and master the basic medical technology principles, preparing students to be at their best when taking the licensure examination.

Reviewees are exposed to different examination types, reading and listening while taking down notes, interpreting, analyzing and answering morse type and multiple choice type questions which aim to enhance their reasoning strategies. Individual strengths and weaknesses are assessed as questions are viewed. The students are also coached in major examination content areas.

Materials include a course syllabus, suggested references, content area study hints, study strategies, questionnaires and practice pencil and paper examination strategies done in a two-day simulated board examination. Specifically, the review will include the following:

– Compiled Review Manual
– Printed lecture handouts
– Two (2) Pre-test exams with rationalization
– Quizzes before (pre-lecture) and after (post-lecture) the lectures
– Three (3) Assessment Exams with rationalization per subject
– With over 5,000 questions given (each batch with varying exam sets, question banks constantly updated)
– Live lectures including lecture hours in Molecular Biology and Diagnostics
– Reinforcement sessions with previous board exam topnotchers
– Intensive Recap Sessions on each subject
– Four-day Final Coaching
– Two-day Simulated Board Examination using Scantron
– FREE Special Examinations I and II for all subjects ***NEW***
– FREE Performance evaluation with grade computation
– FREE Mastery Tests for all subjects ***NEW***
– FREE Access to Online Exams one (1) month before the board exam ***NEW***
– FREE Enhancement Review Sessions for all subjects ***NEW***
– FREE Mentoring Sessions ***NEW***



ACTS Review Center


Room 509 5th Floor J & T Building
3894 Ramon Magsaysay Boulevard Sta. Mesa, Manila Philippines 1016

Office Hours:

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Mondays to Fridays, except holidays


(02) 8716-7683
(02) 8714-3405


(+63) 920-901-8844
(+63) 917-465-8924